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Walking in the New Forest

THE FOREST RAMBLING CLUB is a very active entirely voluntary organisation.  Established some 40 years ago.  The club provides up to 5 rambles each week, mainly in, but also around the NEW FOREST.  The club also has a very active social calendar for interested members.


It is a  very friendly club,  and all new members are always made very welcome.  The club provides the opportunity to walk safely in the company of other like minded persons.  The social side of the club provides functions such as boat trips, cheese n wine evenings, day trips and  walking holidays.   After each walk the social side of the club takes over with a picnic lunch or pub lunch.  This provides the chance to make  new friends amongst your fellow walkers.


Our membership is now over 250,  consisting of retired or near retired members living in and around the locality of the New Forest.  Our objective is :


to provide healthy enjoyment of leisure. 

To encourage rambling and love of the open air,

and to promote friendship



If you are interesting in becoming a member please go to our "Contact" page and e mail our Membership Secretary on    The yearly fee is only £5 with an initial joining fee of £3




Peggy Fidler wrote ......

Just to say I have thoroughly enjoyed the ambles since I joined in the Autumn 2015 and look forward to another year of walking.  I was made to feel very welcome and what a friendly group of people the amblers are.  The subscription is the best £5.  I shall be spending this year.  Escellent value for money.  Thank you

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